Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Okay, I wanted to try out a cutsie name so my witty comments (ha) on our family happenings and pictures will now be posted elsewhere. It is finally ready and I am sure most of you will have some catching up reading to do. You can read all about the fun at - [drum roll please]

Micah C Micah Do (

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Jayce!!! The big 6!

Today was Jayce's Birthday. This year we skipped the friend party and celebrated as a family. (We did have an early celebration during Spring Break with Grandparents, Aunt, Uncles, and cousins.) Jayce is growing up so fast and he takes himself and life too seriously.

Happy Birthday, Jayce. I love you and I am so proud of you. Try not to grow up so fast, there is plenty of time for that. You always make me smile!

Silly Things

1. I was eating a spinach salad with strawberries and blueberries that was a day old. Grahm wanted the strawberries because I was not eating them. I told them they were sad and I did not know if he would like them. He of course thought they tasted fine, about the time he was done - he suddenly said - "There are no tears, they're not sad."

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Here are a few pictures of us on Easter Sunday. We were in Blackfoot and enjoyed a yummy ham dinner. Thanks to all the good cooks. Check out the Miller blog for more pics.

Easter Egg Hunt

We spent Easter in Idaho with family. We had lots of fun. We had our Easter egg hunt in Island Park and I did not get any good pictures. Here is some of what Jason took.
Getting the instructions!!
Looking for that last one!!

Spring break in Idaho

It is so fun getting to spend time with family. We spent the other part of our spring break with my family in Idaho. My mom and I went shopping, Erica did my hair, Laurie did the boys hair, we saw Erica and Nick's new house, we saw Katie and Brody's new house, spent a few moments with Grandma Jones, spent a few moments with Grammy Mary and Grandaddy Neil, and spent a few days in Island Park hanging out and snowmobiling. It was way too short for a visit, but we had lots of fun and made good memories.
No longer a blonde.

Charlotte and Charlotte

Deep snow in Island Park, great for Snowmobiling. Thanks again Dad for the fun.
Check out the Miller Blog for more Island Park Pics

Spring Break in Smithfield

We had lots of fun visiting the Geary's. It took a very long 15 hours from the time we left our house until we arrived at the Geary's - We survived and it was worth it. We hung out, some of us were sick, went sledding, visited Hardware Ranch, and made Jason turn another year older. Here are some pics of all the fun.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

My Little Grahm

Grahm is my biggest challenge at the moment. He seems to know how to bring out my worst and my best. I just wish I could be consistent.

It is nap time. I have spent the last half of an hour climbing the stairs every few minutes to retrieve another toy he has found stuffed in the bed. I drag myself back up the stairs fully aware that I need a time out before I go in there, but hearing all those books and experts in my head claiming that timing is essential to keeping and getting control. I peek through the doorway to see what on earth could possibly still be in his bed. This time his sock has transformed itself into his new best friend. He has it on his hand. I swear if I did not admire his creativity the authorities would be hauling me away.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I forget that everyone out west has probably never seen her big grin.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Blessing Dress

Everyone keeps asking me about the dress. It is from around the late 1800's or early 1900's. I purchased if off of e-bay and my mother fixed a few things on it;)

Blessing Charlotte

We blessed Charlotte on Feb. 10. We were very blessed to have Amanda come and visit us to share the special day with us (I need to get the pictures off her camera). It was a very cold day, below 0. I about cried walking into the church building because my legs were numb from the wind. It was way too cold to take a baby out, but we were there!! Thanks to Amanda we were early for church so we could get Charlotte ready, that long of a dress would not cooperate with a car seat!!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Things We Learned Today

We learned lots of valuable lessons today.

1-When making Rice Krispie Treats, you should not use your hands to mix. I guess there is a reason for greasing the pan (thanks Jason for the lesson);)

2-Home made fries do not take long to burn in the oven, fill the house with smoke, and make it possible to carbon date the aluminum cookie sheets.

3-Boys have 3 belly buttons.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Funny things the kids have said

I thought I should sit down and write some of the funny things the boys have said before I forget.

Jayce - It was the day after Thanksgiving and he was saying his prayers. In the same sentence that he blessed all those who did not have their basic needs met he thanked Heavenly Father for letting the Green Bay Packers score a touchdown and win the game on Thanksgiving. The boys have become big fans of the Pack - I think it is contagious when you live in Wisconsin.

Another time we were talking about presents - probably a Birthday was coming. He told me that kids were my present!!

Grahm - he says lots of funny things. This is my favorite one. We were having an argument (I know don't argue with a 3 year old - it happens) and I told him that I was the meanest Mom in the world (my mom used to tell me this) and he quickly responded with "I am the meanest Grahm in the world." Well what do you say to that!!!

Charlotte - she does not say much, but she is still communicating and it is very different than my boys. She did not like having lotion put on last night and told me so!!! She also will let me know if she has a wet diaper - they boys never complained about a wet diaper. She is lots of fun and so sweet.