Sunday, January 27, 2008

Things We Learned Today

We learned lots of valuable lessons today.

1-When making Rice Krispie Treats, you should not use your hands to mix. I guess there is a reason for greasing the pan (thanks Jason for the lesson);)

2-Home made fries do not take long to burn in the oven, fill the house with smoke, and make it possible to carbon date the aluminum cookie sheets.

3-Boys have 3 belly buttons.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Funny things the kids have said

I thought I should sit down and write some of the funny things the boys have said before I forget.

Jayce - It was the day after Thanksgiving and he was saying his prayers. In the same sentence that he blessed all those who did not have their basic needs met he thanked Heavenly Father for letting the Green Bay Packers score a touchdown and win the game on Thanksgiving. The boys have become big fans of the Pack - I think it is contagious when you live in Wisconsin.

Another time we were talking about presents - probably a Birthday was coming. He told me that kids were my present!!

Grahm - he says lots of funny things. This is my favorite one. We were having an argument (I know don't argue with a 3 year old - it happens) and I told him that I was the meanest Mom in the world (my mom used to tell me this) and he quickly responded with "I am the meanest Grahm in the world." Well what do you say to that!!!

Charlotte - she does not say much, but she is still communicating and it is very different than my boys. She did not like having lotion put on last night and told me so!!! She also will let me know if she has a wet diaper - they boys never complained about a wet diaper. She is lots of fun and so sweet.