Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Birthday Jayce

Jayce had an extra special Birthday, sharing it with Easter. He was spoiled rotten by all loved ones. We made him wait to open any presents until after church and we were preparing dinner. The list of loot - a baseball mitt, a baseball tee and bat, a batman toy that shoots foam tubes, a bug lamp, a bug jar, a dino egg, basketball shorts, basketball top, warm up pants, candy, Easter shoes, and a bike. We gave him his bike last and had it down stairs in the basement. We sent him down on an errand and he walked past the bike and did not even notice at first. It was really funny, he was very excited - but it was a little cold to enjoy. All in all, I think he had a great birthday!

1 comment:

KT said...

Jayce.. Is that.. WORMS!! on you cake!? Your boys are so cute and the pictures make me miss them a ton!